A Quick Glimpse of the Day
During the visits, students have the opportunity to hear from professionals working in a tech career, tour a local company or college, have Q&A with professionals to learn about their past education and work path, and potentially participate in hands-on activities.
The NTC handles all the details & logistics involved in planning with the company. Information about the locations, times, lunch, and other details will be relayed to the primary contact for the school group as they become available.
Each school is responsible for arranging bus transportation, providing an accurate roster of all participating, & supervision of their group while onsite.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do I sign my class up?
A: There is a quick simple form you will use to sign up your class. The NTC
sends email blast about a month prior to the scheduled date for a
Traveling Tech Day. Email [email protected] to be
added to the email list.
Q: How many students can I take in my group?
A: There is a hard limit of 20 students in a group. We ask that at
minimum you take at least 7-10 students.
Q: Can one school take multiple groups of students?
A: Yes, but each group will go to two separate locations and will be
responsible for their own transportation and chaperones.
Q: Can I request specific locations to visit?
A: Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate location requests at this time. We match schools and companies based on proximity of locations.
Q: Do I need to provide lunch for my group?
A: Nope! The NTC will coordinate for lunch to be provided by one of the locations you visit.
Q: What should I as a teacher do to prepare for the field trip?
A: All schools participating are required to coordinate their own bus transportation & chaperone(s). It is important for students to understand they will be in a workplace, and having conversations about expected conduct and behavior prior will make the trip most successful.
Contact [email protected] with any questions.